The Great Reality
The Great Reality Podcast
Introduction: The Great Reality Podcast

Introduction: The Great Reality Podcast

Each episode demonstrates that harnessing our conscious awareness allows us to reclaim our divine birthright as the highest version of ourselves

Hello, spiritual warriors! My name is Chandni Challa and welcome to the inaugural episode of The Great Reality podcast, an audio version of The Great Reality newsletter on Substack. Here, you’ll get insights from my newsletter articles and guest interviews discussing spirituality, self-empowerment, mental health, addiction, and sobriety.

Each episode demonstrates that by harnessing our conscious awareness we can reclaim our divine birthright as the highest version of ourselves.

Make no mistake, this is no easy task. Life is hard and while it doesn’t get easier, we can certainly become stronger.

My message is simple: circumstances don’t dictate life’s trajectory. We are not our addictions. We are not our mental illnesses. We are not our external environment.

We are the great creator — the operant power of our reality.

So join me as I explore these topics. Together, we’ll navigate through reality and discover our highest personal expressions.

Check out The Great Reality newsletter on Substack.

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The Great Reality
The Great Reality Podcast
An audio version of The Great Reality newsletter on Substack including guest interviews discussing spirituality, self-empowerment, mental health, addiction, and sobriety. Each episode demonstrates that harnessing our conscious awareness allows us to reclaim our divine birthright as the highest version of ourselves.
The message is simple: circumstances don’t dictate life’s trajectory. We are not our addictions. We are not our mental illness. We are not our external environment.
We are the great creator — the operant power of our reality.
Check out The Great Reality newsletter:
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Appears in episode
Chandni Challa